Sunday, August 10, 2008

Obviously, I am resolution challenged...

Clearly, I cannot be trusted to accomplish any of my New Home Resolutions! Have I posted pics? Not yet. Have I posted daily? Not even close. In fact, it's been many, many moons! But have I given up hope? Never!!!

I do have to say I think blogging is so much fun. It's like a little anonymous diary (that is, unless anyone reads it!). Everyone should blog! So one more goal is to share a funny story every day (or at least every time I post).

Today, I must discuss the skill involved in accomplishing any single task. I think every mom will attest to the tremendous patience and mastery of multi-tasking required to accomplish something during a normal day at home with a child. I'm not talking about writing a chapter in your latest epic, but simple things, like getting dressed. Or typing a blog post. But when we complain about discuss these challenges, we are usually talking about interruptions from our children. But today, I must point out that interruptions from well-meaning spouses are fraught with much more drama. I mean, I can't just snap at hubby dear to go away, go to bed, brush your teeth or empty the dishwasher (all well-worn phrases with my children, I admit). I've tried, it just doesn't work. No, tonight, my darling children have gone off to bed, and with a sigh I'm ready to sit down and get to work. I'm ready to wallow in the luxury of single minded focus. But no. My love is now done with his tasks for the day and is ready to talk. Or fold laundry. Both of which seem to require my input or assistance RIGHT NOW. Do you think if I sat down and started peppering him with questions about when he'll be done with whatever the heck it is he is doing on the computer all day he'd happily pause, make eye contact, and, with love in his eye, tell me exactly when he plans to be done? No. What would really happen is he would ignore me for as long as he possibly could, then eventually answer me, but in a tone that would clearly show how irritated he is for being interrupted. Perhaps there would be a look in his eye, but it surely wouldn't be love. But when I snap one measly, "Leave me ALONE!", I'm being grumpy. Go figure. However, being the ever patient man he is, he just chuckles and wanders into the kitchen. After offering me (a.k.a., Miss Fussy) a glass of wine (I'm not too proud to admit I took it), he then continues to carry on a discussion with me. UGH! Didn't I say leave me alone?!! Luckily, he seems not to notice that my side of the conversation includes only "Uh huh" and "really?", and then only when he seems to pause. Truly, this is a skill I (and I believe all wives) should list on my resume.

Love. Ahhh...

Stamping will happen in my life soon! In the meantime, check out my website for some of my favorite samples with the new set, Inspired by Nature, available Monday, August 11!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

On the road again...

Well, we're on the road again. I know, it's been 6 months since I last posted. I can only beg your pardon, it's been a busy time! But one thing I love about moving as often as we do is that each time, it's a fresh start. I even think it's a little bit like every new year, and I usually start with resolutions. So here are mine for this move.

My New Home Resolutions

  1. Keep up with my blog by posting daily!
  2. Jump right into the neighborhood by a)introducing myself to my immediate neighbors; b)inviting at least one of them over for a playdate, regardless of how many boxes I have unpacked; c)volunteer for at least one activity at the school or on post.
  3. Don't get overwhelmed by volunteering for too many things - spend more time playing with the kids.
  4. Walk the dog and play at least once every day.
  5. Host a stamp party by mid-July (and make sure everything is unpacked by then!)
  6. Take the kids on outdoor adventures (even just hiking the woods near our house) at least once a week.
  7. Get family pictures taken (I've been meaning to do this for 2 years!)
  8. Be smart about purchases for the new house.
  9. Start shopping the flea markets and antique shops for deals - never pay retail again!
  10. Set a schedule each day and stick to it! I need to organize my days better to get the most out of every moment...

This will be fun. But before we can get to the new start, we have to survive the road trip. Have you ever tried road tripping with 3 kids over 2,000 miles? How about while driving two cars? What about while your husband tows a boat, and is concerned about his ability to stay away while driving, so he insists at least one child ride with him to keep himself awake? And mom is along for the trip? Oh, and the dog is neurotic about traveling, and may have a nervous breakdown on the road.

But I am will be fun! Hotels are reserved, route is planned, the trip is budgeted will be fun! I mean it!

I miss my stamping friends, I can't wait to get that started again. Taking a couple of months off has been difficult, but probably a good thing to refresh my creativity and ambitions.

Have a great summer folks, and watch for new posts! I'll try to upload pictures from the road...